
Top 10 reasons to watch The Hobbit

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1. Basics first!
This is going to be the Trilogy that will get people from all over the world cramming themselves into cinemas, dressing up like the characters, picking at the details and saying how the book is better. This is going to be HUGE so you might as well prepare yourself and go with the imminent flow.

2. Little people BIG themes.
Yes, these characters are all cute and loveable but, like with all good books and movies, there are important themes within The Hobbit. The personal journey of Bilbo Baggins and the transformation that he goes through, making him more compassionate and open to others. But, the more important theme that binds The Hobbit together is friendship and the sort of friendship that doesn’t include benefits. This theme is something that was very dear to orphaned Tolkien, to whom friends were incredibly important.

3. Reunion
It is no surprise that The Hobbit, the prequel to The Lord Of The Rings, features characters that we have come to love both on and off the pages and movie screen. We’ll have the opportunity to see Orlando Bloom starring as Elf Legolas of the Woodland Realm alongside Cate Blanchett. Christopher Lee returning to assume his role as Saruman and Ian McKellen reprising the role of Gandalf. More excitingly, though, is knowing that Hollywood cutey Elijah Wood makes a grand return to the role that we love him most for, Frodo. The internet has been ablaze with this news and images of him in character are circulating… still, it’s going to be seeing him in action that makes it all worth while.

4. Middle Earth Mania
To really get the feel of The Hobbit, you should really go and watch it in the country, where it was filmed, New Zealand. The film will receive its world premiere there in the city of Wellington on November 28. The city officials are so excited that there will be parades, events and parties… oh, and Wellington will actually change its name to Middle Earth for the a week for the release of Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit. I’m getting my tickets booked now.

5. The charms of Martin Freeman
Taking the lead role of Bilbo is Brit actor Martin Freeman. You will know his face from films such as Love Actually, Hot Fuzz and TV’s Sherlock. If you don’t know him, be prepared to becharmed by one of Britain’s finest actors, whose skills of comedy timing are some of the best. You should check him out in Shaun of the Dead.

6. Fight Fight Fight
Not only will the film be filled with enough action to satisfy your appetite for a year or two, you’ll have heard that there is a legal battle going on too. Tolkien’s lawyers are not happy with low-budget film studio, The Asylum, that has been preparing a movie called ‘Age of the Hobbits’ to coincide with the release of Jackson’s film, aiming to make a pretty penny off the back of the franchise. Well, a bit of drama always creates a healthy dollop of tension.

7. Guest Appearances?
Will the film be giving us extra for our money (and time)? Well, cameos are a Hollywood hit, surprising the audience with a special someone waltzing in on the action; Lady Gaga is rumoured for Zoolandder 2 but so are Kate Upton and Heidi Klum. With regards to The Hobbit, the rumour that funny man Stephen Colbert might make an appearance were sparked when he spoke about the time he visited the set of the film… surely someone doesn’t just vist? But if this is true, it is an amazing reason to see the film.

8. Childhood Fantasy 
It’s simple… who doesn’t love magic, monsters, mystery, comedy and dwarves? Practically everyone loves the escapism of fantasy and The Hobbit is a stellar example of this. There is nothing better than a film having the power to play out your childhood fantasies for you. The Hobbit has been a favourite of child and adults for decades and to see it on the big-screen is going to make many of us emotional.

9. Ian McKellan is here for you
McKellan was oh so very close to turning down the role of Gandalf as he wasn’t sure if it was a smart move and the fact that he was worried it wasn’t going to be challenging. Luckily, he saw sense and realised that by doing so he would have let down MILLIONS of fans, including Peter Jackson. He also said that he must preferred playing the younger Gandalf the Grey instead of Gandalf the White. If there is one reason that you should see this film, it is because Ian McKellan reprised his role as Gandalf for you.

10. Gollum
The character you love to hate returns with Andy Serkis reprising one of literatures most famous tragic fiends. In The Hobbit, it is Gollum that acts as a catalyst; changing Bilbo’s life for ever… he comes into possession of the ring. Exciting stuff!


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