In just a day away from the beginning of the Milano Fashion Week, designer Roberto Cavalli criticised two of his fellows Italian fashion collegues Giorgio Armani and Dolce&Gabbana as part of a wider attack on Camera Nazionale della Moda.
"Camera Nazionale della Moda limits itself to scheduling fashion shows, twice a year," wrote Cavalli on his blog. "The Cavalli maison has always been a member of the fashion chamber. I think that Armani is a member, too, but his every choice is perceived as an order! Dolce & Gabbana are not members but they don't care about others and pursue their own interests as if they were the only fashion house in Italy. Other relevant Italian brands are owned by French companies and, as usual, Italians pull out the red carpet for foreigners. The Camera Nazionale della Moda supports only big names, giving small companies what's left." The Italian designer's dissatisfaction comes from Armani's decision to move his Milan show from Monday September 24 to Sunday September 23 - leaving Cavalli as the only big name on the last day of the city's schedule, provoking concerns that the fashion press will miss his show in order to travel to Paris for the next set of shows.

"As usual, the Camera Nazionale della Moda is washing its hands of the situation and it will not go against the wishes of Little King Armani, and therefore the problems are mine alone," he said. "What can I do? Do I stay the final day, running the risk that some foreign journalists will not attend my show, or should I overlap with a smaller brands, acting as some of my colleagues do?"
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