Blond Ambition File - Pandemonia

By 10:19 PM , , , , ,

Halfway between a doll and a cartoon: dressed in latex and wearing a doll mask over her face, a showy mane of blond hair and sometimes in the company of a white stuffed dog. She attends all of the coolest fashion events - openings, runway shows - and recounts her impressions in short posts. Her lifestyle is amazing: this is her Blond Ambition File: Pandemonia.


Pandemonia is a British Artist invented in 2005. 
Studied at Chelsea College of Art. The first grabbed media attention when she attended a Tracey Emin show at The White Cube Gallery in 2009. 
Pandemonia is a cartoon construct, a simulacrum of society aspires to the idealized form. 
Her hair, lips legs and body are symbols pointing to ideas of glamour, beauty and celebrity. 


Today everything is about packaging. What we buy defines who we are. We are more interested in how products look like than the content.

Andy Warhol expressed this concept through his artwork in the 60's, Pandemonia has taken it one step further and created a living work of art. She calls herself a post-pop artist

“The initial idea was to create something that directly interfaced with the public, technological communication has completely changed in the last decade, Pandemonia is cross-platform, meaning she is designed to be experienced over a range of media platforms. Pandemonia exists in the real world outside of the gallery space”. 

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